Agency life

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Why Flash rocks

Yes, yes, I know Flash websites are hard to link to and for search engines to spider. They can’t compete for Google juice compared to traditional HTML sites. But Flash really rocks if you want…

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Even more party pix

  delta_party_select_0020    Originally uploaded by LEWIS 2. Liz Carrington, our staff photographer, shows why we should stick to the day job with her shots of the holiday party festivities on her Flickrstream here. Shots…

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LEWIS Winter Party pix on Flickr

  IMGP0606    Originally uploaded by Morgan McLintic. I’ve uploaded some pix from our party last  Saturday in London, England onto my Flickrstream.

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Santa gets a makeover

It’s that time of year again when we send out our holiday card. This time Santa gets a full image makeover. You can dress him in fishnets, give him a stetson, put him in a…

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Attack of the holiday hampers

Just got back from a morning of meetings in the Valley to find the team grinning inanely with chocolately faces while gently slipping into sugar comas. We’ve been inundated with holiday hampers from clients, recruitment…

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Under The Radar – Photos

Courtesy of Kurt Foeller, here are the first few shots from Wednesday’s Under The Radar event. We had a great time listening to the 32 companies present and hearing their CEOs put through their paces…

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Yes, but is it art?

The entrance lobby of our office block in San Francisco is decorated with corporate art. Every six weeks or so, the paintings rotate to other buildings. It’s a good idea since it keeps the entrance…