Agency life

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Relocating to new offices

We’re relocating our offices in San Francisco to bigger, custom-built premises in January. We’ll still be downtown in the thick of the action, but need larger offices to provide room for future expansion, and to…

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More travel tips

So an hour into my ten hour flight, the entertainment system failed, which has taught me a couple more traveling lessons. The first is to always fully charge your laptop and all electronic devices such…

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Tips on travel

I’m sitting on the plane returning to San Francisco – a 10 hour trip. A flight attendant sat facing opposite me in the bulkhead during take-off, so I asked him for some travel tips. Absolute…

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Breakfast seminar on blogging in UK

My agency, LEWIS, is hosting a breakfast seminar about blogging on Tuesday October 11, 2005 in London. It’s aimed as an introduction for corporate communicators and marketers to the medium. I’m privileged to be chairing…

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Notes from Blighty

Back in San Fran after a whistlestop tour to the UK. From those I spoke to the mood in the UK seems positive from an agency perspective with lots of companies looking for agencies and…